Position as Level III researcher
The person will be selected by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Biometeorologia – Sede di Firenze, from candidates replying to the published job advertisement n. IBIMET/RIC/01/2017.
The position will be dedicated to the project, to “Study and implementation of estimation, comparison and validation techniques of precipitation fields obtained through the elaboration of heterogeneous measurements, such as satellite data, meteorological radar data (single and double polarization) and data in situ“.
For further information, see the job advertisement published on official CNR site in the section concorsi ->Bandi pubblici a tempo determinato, at the following link.
Codice Bando IBIMET-001-2017-FI-Prot 0037282, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 46 del 20/06/2017, scadenza : 18/09/2017
Download the details here including the new deadline.